Fried and baked duck thigh

Fried and baked duck thigh

The duck spleen is tender and delicious. It can be fried and baked to lock in the gravy first, and then put it into the air fryer to bake. It is convenient and delicious.

  1. Wash the duck thighs and dry them with kitchen paper. Marinate with salt and black pepper for 30 minutes.
    Wash the duck thighs and dry them with kitchen paper. Marinate with salt and black pepper for 30 minutes.
  2. Heat oil in a hot wok, add duck spleen when the oil boils, skin side down.
    Heat oil in a hot wok, add duck spleen when the oil boils, skin side down.
  3. Fry until both sides are golden brown, then turn off the heat.
    Fry until both sides are golden brown, then turn off the heat.
  4. Put the fried duck thighs into the air fryer and bake at 165°C for 10 minutes.
    Put the fried duck thighs into the air fryer and bake at 165°C for 10 minutes.
  5. After 10 minutes, turn the duck thighs over and bake for another 10 minutes.
    After 10 minutes, turn the duck thighs over and bake for another 10 minutes.
  6. After 10 minutes, bake at 180 degrees for 5-7.
    After 10 minutes, bake at 180 degrees for 5-7.
Fried and baked duck thigh - English version
Cuisse de canard frite et cuite au four - Français (French) version
煎焗鸭髀 - 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese) version
Muslo de pato frito y horneado - Española (Spanish) version
Gebratene und gebackene Entenkeule - Deutsch (German) version
揚げ焼き鴨もも肉 - 日本語 (Japanese) version
튀긴 오리 허벅지 - 한국인 (Korean) version
น่องเป็ดอบทอด - แบบไทย (Thai) version
Coscia d'anatra fritta e al forno - Italiana (Italian) version
Paha bebek goreng dan panggang - Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) version