Fried Rice with Egg and Ginger

Fried Rice with Egg and Ginger

Fragrant homemade fried rice, with ginger grains to enhance the aroma, tender eggs, served with moderately seasoned white rice, simple and easy to make, fresh and tasty, perfect for quick cooking!

  1. Dice the ginger
    Dice the ginger
  2. Prepare egg liquid
    Prepare egg liquid
  3. Heat a pan over medium heat and add 1 tablespoon of oil
    Heat a pan over medium heat and add 1 tablespoon of oil
  4. Pour the egg mixture into the pan and fry until half cooked.
    Pour the egg mixture into the pan and fry until half cooked.
  5. Add ginger and fry until fragrant
    Add ginger and fry until fragrant
  6. Add cooked rice and stir well
    Add cooked rice and stir well
  7. Add salt and soy sauce
    Add salt and soy sauce
  8. Stir well to allow the rice to absorb the seasoning
    Stir well to allow the rice to absorb the seasoning
Fried Rice with Egg and Ginger - English version
Riz frit aux œufs et au gingembre - Français (French) version
鸡蛋姜粒炒饭 - 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese) version
Arroz frito con huevo y jengibre - Española (Spanish) version
Gebratener Reis mit Ei und Ingwer - Deutsch (German) version
卵と生姜のチャーハン - 日本語 (Japanese) version
계란과 생강을 넣은 볶음밥 - 한국인 (Korean) version
ข้าวผัดไข่ใส่ขิง - แบบไทย (Thai) version
Riso fritto con uovo e zenzero - Italiana (Italian) version
Nasi Goreng Telur dan Jahe - Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) version