Egg Fried Rice with Salmon, Pepperoni, and Anchovy Fillet

Egg Fried Rice with Salmon, Pepperoni, and Anchovy Fillet

This fusion-style egg fried rice combines the richness of salmon, the spicy kick of pepperoni, and the deep umami of anchovies for a bold and savory experience. The eggs create a silky, flavorful base, while sautéed ingredients add layers of texture and taste. A touch of ginger brings warmth and freshness, rounding out this modern twist on a classic comfort dish.

  1. Cook the Rice
  2. Rinse the rice twice with water and drain well.
    Rinse the rice twice with water and drain well.
  3. Add 300ml water (1:1 ratio of rice to water).
    Add 300ml water (1:1 ratio of rice to water).
  4. Cook the rice in a rice cooker. Once cooked, open the lid to let the steam escape.
    Cook the rice in a rice cooker. Once cooked, open the lid to let the steam escape.
  5. Prepare the Ingredients
  6. Stir-fry the salmon and pepperoni over low heat until cooked, then drain any excess liquid and set aside.
    Stir-fry the salmon and pepperoni over low heat until cooked, then drain any excess liquid and set aside. Stir-fry the salmon and pepperoni over low heat until cooked, then drain any excess liquid and set aside.
  7. Beat 3 eggs in a bowl until smooth.
    Beat 3 eggs in a bowl until smooth. Beat 3 eggs in a bowl until smooth.
  8. Make the Fried Rice
  9. Heat a wok over low to medium heat for 3 minutes.
  10. Add half of the chopped ginger and stir-fry for 1 minute.
    Add half of the chopped ginger and stir-fry for 1 minute.
  11. Pour in the beaten eggs and stir-fry for 1 minute until slightly cooked.
    Pour in the beaten eggs and stir-fry for 1 minute until slightly cooked.
  12. Add half of the cooked rice and mix well for about 3 minutes.
    Add half of the cooked rice and mix well for about 3 minutes. Add half of the cooked rice and mix well for about 3 minutes. Add half of the cooked rice and mix well for about 3 minutes.
  13. Add half of the anchovy fillets and stir-fry for 2 minutes.
    Add half of the anchovy fillets and stir-fry for 2 minutes.
  14. Add half of the salmon and pepperoni, then mix and stir-fry for another 3 minutes.
    Add half of the salmon and pepperoni, then mix and stir-fry for another 3 minutes.
  15. Add 1 tbsp soy sauce and fry for 3 more minutes.
    Add 1 tbsp soy sauce and fry for 3 more minutes.
  16. Repeat for the Second Batch
Riz frit aux œufs avec saumon, pepperoni et filet d'anchois - Français (French) version
三文魚、辣肉腸及鯷魚柳蛋炒飯 - 香港繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese - Hong Kong) version
三文鱼、辣肉肠和鳀鱼柳蛋炒饭 - 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese) version
Arroz frito con huevo, salmón, pepperoni y filete de anchoa - Española (Spanish) version
Gebratener Reis mit Ei, Lachs, Peperoni und Sardellenfilet - Deutsch (German) version
サーモン、ペパロニ、アンチョビフィレ入り卵チャーハン - 日本語 (Japanese) version
연어, 페퍼로니, 앤초비 필렛이 들어간 계란 볶음밥 - 한국인 (Korean) version
ข้าวผัดไข่กับแซลมอน เปปเปอโรนี และเนื้อปลากะตัก - แบบไทย (Thai) version
Riso fritto con uovo, salmone, pepperoni e filetto di acciuga - Italiana (Italian) version
Nasi goreng telur dengan salmon, pepperoni, dan fillet ikan teri - Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) version