Healthy Air Fryer Golden Sausages

Healthy Air Fryer Golden Sausages

Enjoy these delicious sausages, cooked to perfection in the air fryer, with a crispy golden exterior.

  1. Place the fresh sausages in the air fryer, ensuring they are not touching each other. It's important not to overcrowd the basket, so they cook evenly
    Place the fresh sausages in the air fryer, ensuring they are not touching each other. It's important not to overcrowd the basket, so they cook evenly
  2. Set the air fryer to 160°C (320°F) and cook for 9 minutes
    Set the air fryer to 160°C (320°F) and cook for 9 minutes
  3. Take out the tray and turn the sausages upside down to ensure they cook evenly on all sides
    Take out the tray and turn the sausages upside down to ensure they cook evenly on all sides
  4. Then place the tray back in the air fryer, set it again to 160°C (320°F), and cook for another 8 minutes
    Then place the tray back in the air fryer, set it again to 160°C (320°F), and cook for another 8 minutes
  5. Take out the tray and check if the sausages are cooked through. Using a thermometer, ensure they reach an internal temperature of 80°C (176°F)
    Take out the tray and check if the sausages are cooked through. Using a thermometer, ensure they reach an internal temperature of 80°C (176°F)
  6. If the sausages aren't golden brown yet, put them back in the air fryer at 160°C (320°F) for another 2 minutes.
Saucisses dorées saines à la friteuse à air - Français (French) version
健康氣炸鍋金香腸 - 香港繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese - Hong Kong) version
健康空气炸锅黄金香肠 - 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese) version
Salchichas doradas saludables en freidora de aire - Española (Spanish) version
Gesunde goldene Würstchen aus der Heißluftfritteuse - Deutsch (German) version
ヘルシーなエアフライヤーのゴールデンソーセージ - 日本語 (Japanese) version
건강한 에어 프라이어 골든 소시지 - 한국인 (Korean) version
ไส้กรอกสีทองในเครื่องทอดไร้น้ำมันเพื่อสุขภาพ - แบบไทย (Thai) version
Salsicce dorate salutari cotte nella friggitrice ad aria - Italiana (Italian) version
Sosis Emas Sehat yang Digoreng dengan Air Fryer - Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) version