Simple Avocado Salmon Sandwich

Simple Avocado Salmon Sandwich

A quick and delicious breakfast sandwich featuring smoked salmon and avocado, with the avocado lightly fried for extra flavor, perfect for a nutritious and satisfying start to your day.

  1. Cut the avocados in half and remove the pit.
    Cut the avocados in half and remove the pit.
  2. Slice the avocado.
    Slice the avocado.
  3. Heat a pan with a little oil over medium heat for two minutes.
    Heat a pan with a little oil over medium heat for two minutes.
  4. Place the smoked salmon in the pan and fry for 30 seconds on each side.
    Place the smoked salmon in the pan and fry for 30 seconds on each side.
  5. Evenly spread the avocado slices on one piece of bread.
    Evenly spread the avocado slices on one piece of bread.
  6. Add the cooked smoked salmon on top.
    Add the cooked smoked salmon on top.
  7. Place the remaining piece of bread on top to complete the sandwich.
    Place the remaining piece of bread on top to complete the sandwich.
Sandwich simple au saumon et à l'avocat - Français (French) version
簡單的牛油果三文魚三文治 - 香港繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese - Hong Kong) version
简单鳄梨三文鱼三明治 - 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese) version
Sándwich sencillo de aguacate y salmón - Española (Spanish) version
Einfaches Avocado-Lachs-Sandwich - Deutsch (German) version
シンプルなアボカドサーモンサンドイッチ - 日本語 (Japanese) version
심플 아보카도 연어 샌드위치 - 한국인 (Korean) version
แซนวิชแซลมอนอะโวคาโดแบบง่าย - แบบไทย (Thai) version
Semplice panino con salmone e avocado - Italiana (Italian) version
Sandwich Alpukat Salmon Sederhana - Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) version